By Peacock
United States
how deep and how far apart should bulbs be planted
On plant
Acidanthera murieliae
1 Apr, 2010
I usually plant them the same depth as the bulb so if the bulb is an inch high I plant them an inch deep (this is assuming you are planting in the open ground). Again size of bulb dictates spacing larger bulbs need more space between them - rule of thumb would be give same space between as height of bulb.
2 Apr, 2010
it useually says on the packet
2 Apr, 2010
but i usually put them 30 centemetres apart
2 Apr, 2010
that is much too far apart for small bulbs like snowdrops and crocus Charlotte
2 Apr, 2010
I will be wainting on the answer,Thanks
1 Apr, 2010