By Shenco500
United Kingdom
I have recently acquired some Helleborus ''Silver Dollar'' and would like to know what spread they can reach in the ground and also if they may be suitable for containers . Regards Shenco
2 Apr, 2010
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Most hellebores are quite compact. They grow to about 12-18" tall by about 12" wide. They will seed and spread but that can take time. I have had some hellebores in my garden now for three years and they have grown but not by a massive amount. They have self seeded, which for me is good, but it does take about 3 yrs before these will flower.
If yours gives you seedlings and you dont want them then you can always dig them up and pass on to friends.
There is always a chance they wont come true from seed as insects are very promiscuous.
Hope this helps.
2 Apr, 2010