By Dave_p
United Kingdom
broccoli and cauliflower, each year I try to grow these veg with little success the heads are very small, has anyone any advice to what I am doing wrong.
regards dave [firefinch on ispyabird]
18 Jan, 2014
thanks for that snoopy I am also a retired trucker
18 Jan, 2014
gotta go in my favourites then
18 Jan, 2014
added you to mine to snoopy
18 Jan, 2014
Also they must not receive any sort of check while small when growing.
18 Jan, 2014
thanks SG
19 Jan, 2014
Previous question
hi dave these are both greedy need lots organic matter in soil and always keep plants moist will also do better in firm soil they dont like their roots to be wobbly a few chicken manure pellets for a top dressing when just getting mature will also help but dont leave them on the leaves or it may scorch a little
18 Jan, 2014