By Cherryhelps
United Kingdom
How do I get my Amaryllis to bloom for a second year, all I get is leaves
18 Jan, 2014
By Cherryhelps
United Kingdom
How do I get my Amaryllis to bloom for a second year, all I get is leaves
Hi, are you sure you have an Amaryllis ?, what are usually sold as Amaryllis, is actually Hippeastrum, or even labelled Amaryllis hippeastrum, but they are 2 different plants.
Amaryllis; 1 species, A belladonna, very few cultivars, usually red, pink or white, native to s w cape, south africa, and is frost hardy.
Hippeastrum; around 80 species, with many varieties & cultivars, native to central and south america, and are frost tender.
Although very similar in appearance, they are grown differently, Amaryllis should be planted with the top of the bulb just below soil level, outdoors in well draining moderately fertile soil, in full sun, or in pots in j i no2 with added leafmould and sharp sand, also in full sun, and flower in autumn, after flowering they should be kept dry, until late summer or spring, then replanted
feed monthly in the growing season, with a balanced liquid feed.
Hippastrum, should be planted with the neck and shoulders of the bulb, above soil level in autumn, as they are frost tender, grow them under glass or as a houseplant, in j i no2, in bright filtered, or full sunlight, and water sparingly until in active growth, leaves develop with or just after the flowers, if different species are grown, you can have them in flower for most of the year.
When they are in active growth, water freely, and feed every 2 weeks with a dilute liquid feed, after flowering, reduce watering as the leaves die off, keep dry when they're dormant, they don't like root disturbance, so repot every 3 to 5 years, Derek
30 Jan, 2014