By Avrilcoutts
My 30 year-old Pyracantha nearly got blown over in the recent bad weather. I have secured it but when I push it, it nearly comes out at the roots. The attached photo shows it is very top heavy. Can I drastically prune it or should I bin it?

19 Jan, 2014
Thanks Bamboo for your words of wisdom. You're right, I like it as a shrub on one stem. The picture was taken in August 2011 - haven't had such a show of berries since!
19 Jan, 2014
Previous question
I wouldn't do anything with it at this time of year - you say you've secured it already, so just wait and see what happens. If you find the topgrowth starts to shrivel and die back, then wait till spring and cut it hard then, if you have to. The problem with cutting it back hard is it will encourage lots of growth near the base, and it seems what you want is a specimen shrub on one stem, as it looks now.
What a fabulous amount of berries on it - they'll be contributing to the weight, of course, and I'm surprised the birds haven't taken most of them, if that picture has been taken recently.
19 Jan, 2014