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By Guest
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Worcestershire, United Kingdom Gb

my lawn is smelly from my dog peeing on it, is there anything i can use to get rid of this



acxtally, yes - hte dog wee is acid, so you needin an alkali to neutral it. for sumthin as seveer as peewee, you needin hte strongest alkali htat is eesy to get.
answer / - - - - - - - LEMONS
YES, I NO EVRYone thinkin tyhey acid, but you try sqeezin lemons on it an the smeellin will go away.
unfortuntly, so will you grass.
for best result - - - get rid of dog

3 Apr, 2010


Or at least keep the dog off the grass, their urine burns the grass. Take the dog for regular walks so it has no need to pee in the garden.

3 Apr, 2010

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