By Crowley
United Kingdom
We have had a privet hedge for the last 35yrs which is 40 metres long. As my husband is now in his 70's it's too much for him. We are thinking of replacing the hedge with a fence but worried with regards to the birds nesting. What month woukd be the most appropriate time
20 Jan, 2014
I sympathise. We had someone in to cut ours last year as we have three, privet, beech and unfortunately leylandii. It really was money well spent, and of course he took all the clippings away with him.
20 Jan, 2014
Hi, I agree, do it now before it starts into growth, or you will end up having to cut it again, Derek.
24 Jan, 2014
Afterthought - fences can and do blow down in gales - hedges don't!
24 Jan, 2014
Yes, the saying swings and roundabouts, springs to mind, lol, Derek.
24 Jan, 2014
Birds will start nesting and rearing chicks from about March until August time. If you are going to remove the hedge then you should do it immediately or leave it until early autumn.
From personal experience, the birds will be using your hedge for shelter and for roosting all the year round. Immediately after it is removed the birds will be making extremely loud and rude noises at you! But they will soon get over it and find new haunts within days.
20 Jan, 2014