By Katarina
May somebody help me with advice, what is woodburn ash good for? I remember, that it was used as fertiliser for herbs in the past, but I am not sure anymore.
Any idea?
Thank you for advice in advance.
26 Jan, 2014
i always understood it was good for flowers, to be put on top of soil in good measure for rain to wash it in ?? also recomended for fruit/ carrots swede beans it has been used for centuries
26 Jan, 2014
Onions? ;-) I am just planning to make a corner for fresh vegetable in the garden. Hi, Bamboo, thank you and hope you are doing well. All the best in the New Year.
Snoopy@it seems to be good for the veg corner. Thank you.
26 Jan, 2014
Snoopy, the theory behind what you say was that it was full of potash, which is a nutrient which plants require. In fact, the potash content is unpredictable and fairly negligible, unlike the alkalising ability of woodash. Apply lots of it around lime hating plants and they'll end up chlorotic, but spreading a bit about here and there is fine, specially round plants that like alkaline conditions (such as onions, maybe pink hydrangeas).
26 Jan, 2014
hi bamboo it does add to beanc/carrots /swede i wont argue over it though
26 Jan, 2014
I'm not a veggie grower, Snoopy, I only know its good for onions cos they prefer alkaline conditions, so I'll take your word for it.
27 Jan, 2014
Small amounts good for most root crops, and most tropical veggies--i.e., tomatoes, peppers, melons, etc. Can cause problems if your soil is already alkaline.
30 Jan, 2014
Thank you for advice, Tugbrethil. I think, I will not pull tiger tail :-)
31 Jan, 2014
It's not much good for anything really, Katarina, unless you're growing onions. Woodash does contain small amounts of potash, but how much potash varies with what wood has been burned. It also disappears completely if the woodash becomes wet, say if its stored outside. It is alkalising on soil, which is why onions quite like it, but spreading small amounts around the garden occasionally won't cause any harm to most plants, although I'd avoid acid loving ones.
26 Jan, 2014