By Katykerr
tyne and wear,
United Kingdom
my garden gets plenty sun but i live on the nortrh east coast and my garden faces the north sea and gets the full blast of north east gales. What sort of hedging could i grow to protect any plants brave enough to survive
22 Jun, 2008
Previous question
Hi Katy I too on North East coast so would recommend Escallonia known for its resistance to salt breezes .E.Apple blossom probably the commonest you ll find.Evergreen with pink flowers around now.There is also a white variety E.Iveyi they have the advantage of being soft and thornless which always nice if you have young children.You may wish to consider some open board fencing [ close board would offer too much wind resistance] as any hedge likely to need a degree of protection at least while it gets established.
22 Jun, 2008