By Evieweale
United Kingdom
I have a 6 month old poodle puppy who has decided to wee all over my nice green lawn which means I now have about 20 small brown patches - any suggestions how to get rid of these please - and dont say get rid of my dog!
6 Apr, 2010
Thanks but easier said than done!
6 Apr, 2010
mix some compost and grass seed 2gether dampen itand leave in plastic bag in shed or green house for about a week -scape off the dead grass and place seed mix in gap , and as MG says train your dog to go else where
you can buy dog rocks from pets for vets which i found worked well (google them)
6 Apr, 2010
6 Apr, 2010
The blunt truth is you are not controlling your pup it is controlling you! Either give up on your garden or get it under control. Sorry I know that sounds blunt but it is down to you not the dog. We have several friends with dogs... some allow them to wreak their gardens others keep them under control - your choice. But, so far as I am concerned, please don't wine if you don't control your dog and it destroys your garden!
6 Apr, 2010
moongrower is right dog wee is lethal to lawns so the only way realy is to have a dog run as i have .
7 Apr, 2010
As do several of our friends NP - sadly dogs and gardens don't really go together - unless you are not fussed how your garden looks. Bit like chickens really... you can let them wander in winter but then you have to kee pthem out of the veggie and flower garden and in their runs.
7 Apr, 2010
there is only 1 other way and that would be to have realy tall raised beds on concrete so the poodle cant jump on your flowers and plants and so you can still hose down .it would be nice looking dont get me wrong but a lot more work than a dog run ,.people say goats eat anything . i think chickens eat anything and if they dont eat it they scratch it up .there great if you have a big garden and use them in your veg patch in a crop rotation kind of way moon grower but like you say not good for your averadge garden.
7 Apr, 2010
Thanks for all comments - I will just have to suffer - I am not making my dog a prisoner in a dog run or restricting where he goes - he needs to run around so I will have to put up with it - at least it's only me that looks at the lawn. He goes for walks regularly so guess the lamp posts will suffer more than my lawn. He keeps off the pansies and daffodils so I have something to be thankful for.
8 Apr, 2010
well thats not quite so bad .as for being a prisoner a garden is a prison and you will find dogs only go in the garden to relieve thereselves or when your your dog has lots of walks hes well balanced and happy .a dog run would be no different unless you locked him in it which is another thing all together .
8 Apr, 2010
As parents we t rain our children not to pee as and where they feel like it and in my view it is up to a dog owner to do the same thing. You can train a puppy to pee where you want it too - it simply takes some effort on your part.
8 Apr, 2010
as does bringing up a dog anyway .you get out what you put in realy .
8 Apr, 2010
Previous question
Well you can start by training the dog to only pee in one place, preferably not your lawn. You will probably have to set aside an area and fence off so that is the only place the dog can go.
6 Apr, 2010