By Pepperpot
United Kingdom
Plaese can you help, i did to get some sand for my allotment, all i can find is builders sand, or sharp sand,i know i cant use builders sand, but done know why? but can i use sharp sand, or can anyone please!tell me where i can buy sand for the garden from, pleaseeeee.
6 Apr, 2010
Thanks Bamboo, i do need to get some soon!.:o))
6 Apr, 2010
I use ordinary sharp sand from the builders merchants or the quarry as it is much cheaper than that from a garden center. I have never had any problems in using it.
6 Apr, 2010
i agree with bulbaholic plants in there natural habitat have to deal with sharp stones and things of this can buy soft sand from builders merchants anyway which is more what you want .
7 Apr, 2010
Soft sand is no good for improving soil, it clings together. This is what you use for mortar making not drainage. For drainage you need sharp sand.
We have bought sharp sand from Builders merchants and never had any trouble. Easy enough to see if it is right for the garden, look if there are any sea shells or bits of sea shell in it. If there are then it is sea sand and should have been sold as washed, otherwise river sand and perfect.
7 Apr, 2010
fair play owdboggy but do you realise soft sand is sand that has had water washing it for many years .thats why it is soft as if you look at it under a micro scope you will see it is like miniture pebbles ie rounded of and not sand is taken from inland wear they dig gravel is broken down from sand stone bye pressure as apposed to wear from water . i agree your probably right about sharp sand being better for drainage . i dont suggest you go taking sand from your local river either.
7 Apr, 2010
Thanks everyone, I'm really greatful, i shall get sharp sand. :o)))
7 Apr, 2010
Previous question
« i have wild fennel all over my garden can I dig it up and move it
Garden centres - builder's sand contains lime and other stuff, though washed builders sand could be okay. You can always use silver sand, which is fine for plants, that's available usually at builder's merchants and at the garden centre, if you're not sure.
6 Apr, 2010