By Icoleman
United Kingdom
Just been using my aesthetically pleasing and apparently 'green' Xmas present for making seedling pots out of newspaper. As I washed the copious amount of newsprint off my hands I wondered if the minerals in newsprint will adversely affect the quality or indeed the toxicity of the vegetables started off in such pots.
28 Jan, 2014
I've been using mine for years and never had any problems, in fact my beans and sweetpeas do a lot better these days as I no longer disturb the root system, like you I get very dirty making them, lol...........
28 Jan, 2014
It won't do any harm. Just don't use any glossy magazine paper.
28 Jan, 2014
Agree with Myron, newspaper but not magazines… To be honest you don't need one of this forms - Bulba just uses a WD40 can!
28 Jan, 2014
Hmm....Here in the States, we're advised to use only black and white newsprint, not the colored pages, for most gardening purposes.
30 Jan, 2014
Mostly our newsprint in papers in b & w
30 Jan, 2014
In theory the ink used in newspapers these days is supposed to be non-toxic.
28 Jan, 2014