By Frank6
United Kingdom
I Have just aquired a new plot which is full of broken glass, is there any danger of glass geting into root veg if I dont clear the sit properley ??
7 Apr, 2010
Agree with Peedee only alternative is to clear the glass
7 Apr, 2010
The other problem of course is the danger to you from finding glass the hard way when you're weeding or working on your plot. It isn't worth the risk!
7 Apr, 2010
Thank you all for your comments, I am clearing the plot but was just woried about missing any tiny fragments of glass. I think for peace of mind I'll follow Peedee's advice on raised beds.
7 Apr, 2010
Good luck Frank and a belated welcome to GoY!
7 Apr, 2010
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Hi, the very same question has just been asked in `AMATEUR GARDENING` magazine..what they say is that there is no danger of glass being absorbed in root vegetables but the danger is that root veg such as carrot can grow around shards of glass and eventually they would be inside the carrot, and for obvious reasons this isn't good, you`d be better growing root veg`s in a raised bed, and keep the GLASS area for lettuce, cabbage ETC, Hope this helps,
7 Apr, 2010