By Sampye
United Kingdom
please help, i never had garden before, now only have a small border in the shade and would like lots of child friendly flowers
7 Apr, 2010
Try some annuals - like Calendula (Marigolds), nigella (Love-in-the-mist),Iberis (Candytuft) as they're fast growing, and should also seed themselves for next year.
7 Apr, 2010
thanks for advice have written my list off to garden center tomorrow, n i like plastic windmills never thought of puttin them in flower bed.
10 Apr, 2010
Previous question
This autumn you could plant dwarf bulbs such as snowdrops, Iris, Narcissus, Tulips, for next spring,
This summer you could try Impatiens (bizzy lizzy), Bergenia Pink Dragonfly, Several of those little plastic windmills on sticks look bright and cheerful in among the flowers.
7 Apr, 2010