By Gramb
United States
My impatients this year are already making seed pods and lots of them. Is anyone else having this problem. I went out and picked them all off today - hope that helps them grow better. We have had lots of rain and I think at times they have been too wet, if that is possible.
23 Jun, 2008
I didn't think that Impatiens made seed pods????
23 Jun, 2008
Do they have time to make seed pods, they seem to be constantly busy producing flowers and buds.
Gramb, it won't be long before they have produced more of those 'pods' ...... leave them for a while and you will probably find the plants are covered in flowers.
24 Jun, 2008
I know FOR SURE they are seed pods. I used to grow all my impaients from seed and that is where I got my seeds for the next season. The seed pods are little green pods that get really fat and they will pop and spill out the seeds sometimes when you barely touch them. I used to love to do that in the fall when I was collecting seed but I do think it is a little early for that to be happening. Just wondered if anyone else was having the same problem.
24 Jun, 2008
Well, now I shall be watching mine like a hawk to see if any seed pods appear!
24 Jun, 2008
Are you sure they're seed pods, they could be the flower buds. Are you deadheading regularly as soon as the flower has faded? Regular deadheading promotes further flowering. Hope they're not the flower buds you're taking off.
23 Jun, 2008