By Ffiscool
United Kingdom
Hi, I have a cottoneaster horizontallis which was about 6 foot high and 12 foot wide. someone mistakenly cut it all down to about one foot high. the people responsible are offering to plant something else of my choice but i wanted to ask if anyone knew at what rate the cottoneaster would grow, so how long before it grew quite tall again. i wouldnt know what to replace it with if i do get it replaced
8 Apr, 2010
thank you
8 Apr, 2010
welcome to GoY You're not too far away from me (I'm in Bedfordshire) Enjoy the site, but be warned its addictive!! :)
8 Apr, 2010
Previous question
The root system should be ok so with luck it will recover at a good rate. Give it a feed/water and wait as a replant would take longer to fill the space.
8 Apr, 2010