By Zachary
United Kingdom
whilst on holiday in mallorca i saw a fragrant climbing plant with purple and white spiral flowers.It was flowering in september and i have been unable to identifyit.
10 Apr, 2010
Does it look like this, Zachary?
If so, and it has snap-bean-like leaves, it's probably a Snail Vine--unfortunately quite frost tender.
11 Apr, 2010
Thanks for your suggestion,but I am sure it isnt a Snail Vine.It climbs up wire fencing,using tendrils,like a sweet pea.I have only ever seen one of these plants.The perfume is very strong when in flower and out of season there is little foliage to see.
11 Apr, 2010
Well I have been looking through the many species of Lathyrus, Pisum, and Vicia--which genera the mention of tendrils brought to mind--native to Mallorca, but the few pictures I am able to access don't look particularly spiral. Of course, it is also possible that it's an introduced species, too. Hmmm...
12 Apr, 2010
Thanks again for your efforts.I think I may have to settle for enjoying it and never knowing its name.That is not so bad.
12 Apr, 2010
True of a lot of plants I ran into, Zachary.
12 Apr, 2010
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Pity no picture Zachary.
10 Apr, 2010