By Grannysue
North Lincolnshire,
United Kingdom
I am very puzzled about my photographs (sizes). I started to write a blog earlier this afternoon but most of the photos I wanted to include weren't allowed as they were the wrong size so my blog came to an abrupt end. Then I uploaded one of the pictures on my home page and it came up. Is there anyone please who can explain to this puzzled person why this is so? Thanks Sue
11 Apr, 2010
Thank you Pottygardener it has happened before I just let it go last time. I will see if I can do as you suggest. Sue
11 Apr, 2010
I had this problem Grannysue when I first started. It is because they are more than three megabytes.....mb. A photo of a single plant is usually below 3. Photos with lots of busyness and detail are often more than 3. You can check how much by hovering over the thumbnail on the panel of photos. You may be able to check on your camera and then crop the photo to 3 or below before you put them into your computer. This is what I do. I should think most recent cameras have this ability.....just a question of understanding how to do it. Grandchildren of a certain age can be very useful here!!!!!!
11 Apr, 2010
Ah-ha....have just hovered over my photo's and they are under 3mb....that explains why I have never had a problem! Learning all the time!
11 Apr, 2010
Well thank you Dorjac I am aware of the megabite thing but didn't realise it was to do with the content of the picture. Thank you so much for your valuable help and now I know what to do I will try it. Yes my 8 year old granchild already tells me things I never knew. regards Sue
11 Apr, 2010
It looks like garden pictures are now 5mb. I didn't put any pics in for ages Sue. So only saw today that it looks like pictures with more detail can go in now. Not so much down sizing to be done.....hooray.
13 Apr, 2010
Well I have been busy today making my pics smaller, (that sounds silly I know). Now I have been able to upload and it worked!!! Hurrah! I do hope my confusion about all this has been helpful to at least one other person. Thanks Peter for your help. :)))
13 Apr, 2010
Sorry Potty didn't mean to ignore your post. Thanks for your comment. :)))
13 Apr, 2010
So pleased you have got the real expert to help. It took me about 3 months to puzzle it all out! I was struggling with serious health matters for both of us at the a bit distracted.
14 Apr, 2010
Previous question
« I have a clay based soil. How successful would i be with Magnolia 'Stellata'?
I thought GoY automatically resized our photo's, so I don't know what happened Sue. It may be worth messaging Peter or Ajay who run the site in case there is a problem with the system?
11 Apr, 2010