By Gaia01
Midlothian, Scotland,
United Kingdom
Does anyone know if slugs and snails eat Cerinthe? I have grown some from seed and am worried when I put them in the garden that they will get eaten and all my hard work will be for nothing.
11 Apr, 2010
Well, I suffer with snails, but they leave my cerinthe plants alone.
11 Apr, 2010
so what part of you do they nibble? :o))
11 Apr, 2010
11 Apr, 2010
Thanks. Well hopefully they'll leave well alone and I'll have some lovely plants later on in the year.
11 Apr, 2010
I have mentioned that snails/slugs are active here all year long, and I have some volunteer Cerinthe from last year that are just beginning to flower, and no problems.
12 Apr, 2010
I can plant out with confidence then. Thanks.
17 Apr, 2010
Previous question
I have a few in the greenhouse waiting to go in and they have been nibbled. possibly woodlice though. When you plant out put beer traps/slug pellets near to them to be on the safe side.
11 Apr, 2010