By Humongo
United Kingdom
I have just purchased a young tetrapanax 6inches high which is Begining to flop.Can you tell the best way to look after this plant.
2 Feb, 2014
Many thanks for the above information. I have done what you said but it's not responding yet. On receipt of the plant I gave it water as per instructions but I may have given it just a bit to much.
Kind regards
4 Feb, 2014
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« Hi Friends. I put a leaf of a Mother-in-Laws tongue in water two years...
Hi, welcome to GoY, this is only borderline frost hardy, so if your winter temperatures drop below 4 or 5 deg c you would be better to grow in a greenhouse, pot in j innes no 2 in full light, but shade from hot sun, in the growing season water freely, and use a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly; water sparingly in winter.
If you grow outside, it should be grown in well drained soil in full sun, and sheltered from winds, if the top growth is killed off by frost, it may grow again from below soil level.
As it's a suckering shrub, you can control the spread by removing suckers at the extremities, pruning group 1 or 7, Derek.
2 Feb, 2014