How do I harvest seeds from Sunflowers?
By Genie50
Hello, this is my first time on this website and it looks very helpful. I need some help. We have grown some huge sunflowers this year and I would like to harvest the seeds to include in some bread recipes, but don't know quite how to go about it. Do I just put the heads on a sunny windowsil? and for how long?
On plant
Helianthus annuus (Sunflower)

1 Oct, 2007
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Many thanks for that advice. I've put them in the airing cupboard.
2 Oct, 2007
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Hi Genie nice to meet you.
Best to allow the heads to mature in the garden if you can. Once the petals have all fallen allow the disk at the back to go brown. If you can't wait that long wait for the back disk to go a rich yellow then cut the heads off leaving around a foot of the stem attached.Store this in a dry place to allow maturing to occur (airing cupboard is good for this!!)
The seeds will be full looking with their characteristic black and white stripes once ripe.
Hand rub the seeds out of the head or rub two heads together. Store the seeds in a cheesecloth bag not an airtight container. This prevents mould formation.
Hope this helps :) Good luck
2 Oct, 2007