United Kingdom
Begonias: Why is there such an enormous difference in prices? They seem to range in the catalogues from £10 for just 3 tubers, to £12 for 16 large plug plants. Are the cheapest buys the best buys?
14 Apr, 2010
I'm still confused just a little. The tubers are wee brown, dry looking thingies which I bought from Thompson and Morgan, just three and a half cm wide. How can they be mature plants? And how can they be more mature or more advanced than the plugs are?
14 Apr, 2010
Like any good Goverment official, Johnathon, I am afraid that I cannot comment on specific cases. Although, once again, T&M and price?
14 Apr, 2010
Will my little three and a half cm wide tubers which T and M have sent me grow to reach full sized plants this year? Or will they only reach full size and full flowering potential next year?
14 Apr, 2010
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You get what you pay for, Johnathon. In your question you have already given the answere; the tubers were plug plants that have been grown on for one or more years and have taken up space and time in the nursery, so entailing extra cost to give a more mature plant.
14 Apr, 2010