mossy lawn- lawn sand or weed feed and mosskiller (or neither)?
By Bryony
United Kingdom
I have a mossy lawn and have spent some time raking all the moss out. Now I am reading different opinions on whether I should use lawn sand or weed, feed and mosskiller, or neither? I normally avoid pesticides if I can and last year fertilised with chicken manure which worked well. I think I need to re-seed a bit as well so I am not sure of what to do next. Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
14 Apr, 2010
Yes I remember feeding the lawn last year and having to spend hours watering it in. Somehow I managed to time it to coincide with one of the only dry spells of last summer! Maybe if we have (yet) another rainy summer I will feed the lawn to try and cause another dry spell!
14 Apr, 2010
What a good idea Bryony. One year my hubby did the job and nearly scorched the lawn to death. Nearly had to have it returfed. Got rescued by a more expert friend, and heavy rain, after the friend scarified the lawn and fertilised it. One way to get out of the more tedious gardening jobs!
14 Apr, 2010
If you've already got all the moss out (or you haven't got any actively growing) then there is no point using either lawn sand or a weed & feed product. Just feed the grass and aerate the lawn to improve drainage and help the grass roots grow strongly.
The main thing is to identify why the moss is growing in the first place and try to correct that so it doesn't come back again. Most likely causes are heavy shade or dampness, or a mixture of both. Relieving the causes will reduce the need to treat / deal with the moss.
14 Apr, 2010
Thanks everyone. Yes Rogerbee, you are right, the issue is that a hedge needs reducing in size, as the other areas are fine. The aeration was also long overdue, as it was something I had never even heard of before!
14 Apr, 2010
I am looking at our lawns too. No energy for scratching at moss really. It would be good exercise. I suppose I will end up measuring and putting my cane markers down and using a moss killer/ feed combined. Its is only 2 small lawns so not too difficult to do. I look carefully at instructions on the carton before I do the spreading and pray for it to rain afterwards! Or I might have to water it in, and we are on a meter.
14 Apr, 2010