The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Skillen

Glasgow, United Kingdom

For Bamboo.
Hi Bamboo, just to let you know the phornium is sprouting green shoots :~))))).



Thank you so much for letting me know - at least it confirms my firm belief that they're hardier than Cordylines! Though on closer inspection, are you certain that's the Phormium growing, and not some bulb pushing up through the middle?

14 Apr, 2010


I thought it was the leaves of a daffodil at first Bamboo but a few days later there was quite a few more. I'm almost certain that they are coming from the phornium. I'll have another look tomorrow just to make sure! You've got me worried now lol !

14 Apr, 2010


looks like 2 bulbs .sorry to worry you more skillen.take care bye for now xx.

14 Apr, 2010


Right thats it!! I'm going up there with a torch lol - will let you know.

14 Apr, 2010


ok lol

14 Apr, 2010


Ha ha ha, I'm just visualising you plunging about in the dark examining your plants -- very x files...:-))

14 Apr, 2010


Lol Bamboo, went up there, can't see a thing , will let you know tomorrow :~))

14 Apr, 2010


and me skillen lol.

15 Apr, 2010


Hi Bamboo and Nosey! Well, I've had a closer look and I'm still convinced that these are new leaves from the phornium. A few more have appeared and they seem to be coming from the leaves which have been cut down. Also the shape of the leaves seem to fit, they are quite wide, but not strong.

15 Apr, 2010


well time will tell i guess .take care bye for now xx.

15 Apr, 2010


As Nosey says, time will tell- fingers crossed anyway, Skillen

16 Apr, 2010


yes and my toes especialy as im using my hands to draw your picture lol

16 Apr, 2010


lol Nosey! Your hands are VERY precious!

17 Apr, 2010


thanks skillen lol xx.

17 Apr, 2010


You were right Bamboo and Nosey
It's definately DEAD lol. Have just dug it up and put in a new one. Maybe a good thing in a way as it was getting too big for that spot behind the pond.

30 May, 2010


you can fit a couple of concrete mushrooms and a circle seat in there now lol .

30 May, 2010


Oh dear, what a shame - but never mind, a chance to plant a different one!

30 May, 2010


yes that's what i thought bamboo, just the tree fern to sort out now, still no sign of life there, will have to get a new one i think, do you think i should leave it where it is just incase it shows signs of life next year?

30 May, 2010


Yes Leigh, i think a couple of SMALL mushrooms would go very nicely in there, especially made by your magic hands lol. But a circle seat i just dont think would fit in there somehow. he he xx

30 May, 2010


If you can bear to and don't need the space, why not? But to be honest, if nothing's grown by September, I think you can probably decide its a goner.

30 May, 2010


I thought i might leave it where it was and put the new one in front of it and if i end up with two all the better. was also wondering if i could somehow plant an ordinary fern into the old crown, anyway thanks for your help Bamboo it's much appreciated. :~)).

30 May, 2010


dont forget a mushroom or 2 would make you feal better i think skillen lol xx.

30 May, 2010


Yes Leigh, I get the message lol. :~))x

31 May, 2010


lol skillen xx

1 Jun, 2010

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