By Bbpostbox
United Kingdom
Can I grow an avocado tree from a stone
15 Apr, 2010
I fear it is very unlikely to fruit .
15 Apr, 2010
It is important to sow it at once or else you can put it in a glass of water for a few days so that it does not dry out. You put it just below the surface in a horizontal position. It will grow onto a lovely tree but it is very unlikely to be
a self pollinator. If you are lucky you would still have to wait at least 8 years to bear fruit.
16 Apr, 2010
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I am trying at the moment. Put two or three cocktail sticks into the stone and then sit the stone on a glass that has water in it. Make sure the stone has its bottom in it.
Stone should look like it is the centre of a wheel with the cocktail sticks looking like spokes on a wheel.
Place this glass on a warm window sill with plenty of light, and keep watching.
It might take a while though.
Good luck.
15 Apr, 2010