By Linda235
United Kingdom
What is the difference between a dog tooth violet and a trout lily? Does the violet have brown marks on the leaf and the lily a pale green marking on a green leaf? Also are the flowers on the violet finer?
15 Apr, 2010
I have posted a few photos of my erythroniums on my page. I have never heard of them being called trout lilies so thank you for expanding my knowledge. Another plus for GOY members helping each other.
15 Apr, 2010
Both names refer to any member of the Erythronium genus, which is neither a violet or a lily, of course. E. dens-canis is the European Dogs Tooth Violet. There is a wonderful range of mottled leaves across the whole range of Erythronium.
16 Apr, 2010
Thanks everyone. I have some just about to flower, so I will photograph them soon.
16 Apr, 2010
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they are one and the same as far as I am aware. they refer to Erythronium de-canis. I have pagoda which is a yellow flower, some plants have silvery green markings, some non and some brown. I think of the leaf colouration a bit like human skin colour. many variations but the same species non the less.
I also have white beauty which is a smaller flower and white but again variation in the leaf.
15 Apr, 2010