What is it
By Ediegirl
Dallas county, Missouri,
United States
My mother in law gave me a house plant but didn't know
what it was. It blooms, but I can't seem to identify it.
Hoping someone will help me please? I do have other photos.
thank you

26 Jun, 2008
but it doesn't look like my other christmas cactus'. Very
different. see new photo, thanks
26 Jun, 2008
I agree with Susie it is a Christmas cactus.
27 Jun, 2008
I've looked at your other photos and I believe this is an Epiphyllum or "orchid cactus".
Sorry about the above answer but the photo is a bit misleading.
27 Jun, 2008
Yes I've had a look at the other photo now and I agree Blodyn.Much longer leaves than the christmas cactus.
27 Jun, 2008
All the pics I seen of the orchid cactus I have not seen the
whole plant so they were all misleading. Was sure hoping it was a Night Blooming Cereus. Oh well maybe someday. My house plants sure seem to like this humid climate more so than the dry climate I lived in for 40 some years. I'm slowly getting used to it myself.
4 Jul, 2008
Hi Ediegirl.
Looks like a "christmas cactus" to me.Fleshy drooping leaves?Mine flowers whenever it feels like it not just around christmas.There are different types I believe and some have red flowers some pink.The latin name is Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera x buckleyi).Quite ugly out of flower but stunning when draped in blooms,although mine does tend to be a bit patchy with the blooms,one here,a few there.
26 Jun, 2008