By Davevallance
United Kingdom
Can any one tell me what bush this is and why its gone the way it has??
Added another closer picture to help..
What can I do to make it survive and what maintenance does it need?

16 Apr, 2010
Looks like a variegated Hebe. All of them this year seem to of suffered to some extent with the cold icy winter.
16 Apr, 2010
Nicky's right, its Hebe franciscana 'variegata' - this one is slightly tender, so the fact it came through the winter at all is a bonus, but winter is the cause of the die back on the branches. Prune back dead areas to live wood.
16 Apr, 2010
I agree Bamboo. I have quite an old one in my garden and this is the first year it has suffered since it was planted and i live right on the south-coast!
16 Apr, 2010
I think mines a gonner,I've cut it down to short twigs and no sign of life.It's in a planter. I'll leave it till the pansies have finished to give it a chance.I won't be getting another though.
16 Apr, 2010
thats a much better picture Dave thanks
17 Apr, 2010
I'm on the South coast, same as Tiger, two of my Hebes suffered over Winter, cut them back very hard and both are showing new growth now.
17 Apr, 2010
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can't really tell as its too far away looks like there is possibly a lonicera on the left and a euonymus on the right , maybe the bad winter caught it
16 Apr, 2010