United Kingdom
My son fell on my prize acer and one whole side has been snapped off - Is there anything I can do to fuse it back together?
18 Apr, 2010
As a last resort you could make a hole big enough to take the branch beside the parent, bury the end at least 9 inches deep, taking off any side growth to the main branch, mulch up high around the whole plant, water well with a weak solution of Tomarite and seal the cut with a piece of tape.
18 Apr, 2010
Dr B - how would that work, I'm fascinated.
18 Apr, 2010
Well Carol, it's as if you are taking a hard wood cutting. If you cut any shoots off the broken piece above ground, it will bleed, you will have some dieback as normal on those Acers, also the parent plant wil give it shade. It has worked for me before on many shrubs.
18 Apr, 2010
I'll remember that!
19 Apr, 2010
If it is completely broken off no. If it is only partially broken you can try binding the two parts tightly together but I wouldn't be too optimistic.
18 Apr, 2010