By Owdboggy
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Auricula theatres?
Has anyone ever built one of these for themselves?
I have a fair number of Auriculas and was considering ways of displaying them over Spring etc. The greenhouse is a leeelte full at this time of year. Was actually wondering which way the theatre could/should face.
19 Apr, 2010
The only wall space for it would mean it was facing south east. Hmmmm, talk to the boss then!
19 Apr, 2010
They built one on Gardener's world last year but I cannot remember what direction the wall faced. Will have a google and come back if I find anything.
19 Apr, 2010
Beechgrove garden was good and the nusery of ariculas were beautiful.
Check out their website.
I have been wanting anaricula theatre for sometime even though only got a small amount of ariculas but could get hooked.
6 May, 2010
I have only ever seen them as displays at shows, Owdboggy, so am not much help. Auriculas like a lot of light so I would have thought south or west?
19 Apr, 2010