By Jawallis
United Kingdom
The pot stood on the patio but did not break up as some others did - yes, it was very frosty as all over the UK but the neighbouring tree also in a pot was fine, so it could be frost but I am thinking something like a disease has attacked the tree. Any guidance?
19 Apr, 2010
It is prunus mume 'Beni-shidare'- it was planted last autumn, but so far has not leafed or flowered, except with a great stuggle - one or two signs of leaf and crimson buds coming. - the symptoms are sticky branches with blood-like sap oozing out. It may just be slow but even with warmer weathewr it is very slow and I am doubtful it will make it into flower abd bloom.
19 Apr, 2010
Sounds like bacterial canker, if the ooze is amber coloured - you don't say. Prunus are prone to this I'm afraid, though a photo would be good to confirm or not. Prune out affected areas, spray with something like Bordeaux mixture in late summer, and again in autumn, if you want to try and save it.
19 Apr, 2010
Thanks - yes, ooze is amber! Sounds it is canker - oh dear. Will try the Bordeaux spray in the summer and again in autumn and see if the tree can be saved.I don' t want to prune since the oozing is a pretty everywhere on the tree!
Thank you for helping!
John Wallis
19 Apr, 2010
If its that widespread, you may well lose the tree anyway.
19 Apr, 2010
Thanks - well, we will live with hope!
19 Apr, 2010
Previous question
welcome to GoY Jawallis, but what tree and what are its syptoms? A photo would help here too.
19 Apr, 2010