United Kingdom
I planted an allium last year...and have now lost the label so I've totally forgotten what its called - any suggestions? Its tall, white flowered and not the standard drumstick shape - more like individual tiny bells falling off the top of the stem. Hopefully this makes enough sense for someone to give me a few suggestions! Thanks.
19 Apr, 2010
possibly Nectaroscordium siculum
19 Apr, 2010
You're very clever Mageth to be able to figure that out from the info I gave you!! Well done! I have another question now....These were planted last autumn and I started clearing the beds around it and the leaves got messed up so I gave them a trim - will that affect flowering at all and should I compensate with some extra feed??
19 Apr, 2010
If it is nectascordium the leaves would normally have died back before autumn Muddy by which time the bulb should have regained its strength. sorry dont know about feeding them, i just mulch my borders and they come back each year
19 Apr, 2010
ps im reading Anna Pavords "bulb" at the moment so thats why I was so quick. Ive got a few bulbs of this too
19 Apr, 2010
Terrible thug if you let it self seed.
19 Apr, 2010
I dont have that problem O. I think my soil is too heavy
19 Apr, 2010
I have very clay soil, so I don't think self seeding would be a problem. Also nothing is allowed to self seed - so I'm hopeful I would catch it in time. Also - I have to say - the leaves absolutely STUNK when I cut them - so its not my favourite plant! I know alliums are onions, but this was quite a rotten smell. Yuk.
19 Apr, 2010
when it finished flowering did the spent flowers stand upright? this is a feature of nectoscordum and it is a good 2-3ft tall. There are several other white flowered alliums. I have a pretty one in flower at the moment it is only 10" tall.
19 Apr, 2010
Nectoscordum smells of garlic
20 Apr, 2010
It never flowered as I planted it very lte in autumn - so I am waiting to see what it will look like. I will let you know if and when it does - thanks for all your help everyone.
20 Apr, 2010
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I know which one you mean but sorry not any idea as to a name.
19 Apr, 2010