By Mayamurdo
Perthshire Scotland, United Kingdom
Any ideas why my new bedding & trailing begonia plug plants are getting so many white leaves on them? They are not overwatered and in the greenhouse. It is only the begonias.
- 21 Apr, 2010
You could even put the plug plants out during the day if it is warm and sunny to start hardening them off. Just make sure you bring them in at night.
21 Apr, 2010
Moon grower, Thank you for answering my question in april about my begonia plug plants. They are all thriving very well now and have responded really well to the TLC given to them during the long cold spell in spring.
13 Jul, 2010
You are welcome Marym.
13 Jul, 2010
Previous question
Temperature problems - if they're in the greenhouse and its sunny, it gets very warm - then overnight, temperatures fall. You need something to even out the temperature fluctuation - leave the doors open when the sun is out, provide a bit of heat on cold nights if possible.
21 Apr, 2010