By Saphronia000
New Zealand
what do you think the child has learnt from being in the garden
22 Apr, 2010
This is a gardening site, we deal with plants, soil, etc., not children's activities Saphronia, so if you've got a plant with an infection, we could probably tell you, but that's it.
22 Apr, 2010
Sounds like an exam or crossword question to me!
22 Apr, 2010
that grass stains there clothes and rose spines hurt lol
22 Apr, 2010
how some things eat other things. plants are the first link in a food chain.
if you pull flower heads off you get wrong. slugs are slimey. how long a piece of string is. etc
oh and yes
woodlice are crunchy if you eat them
well my children have learnt these things.
22 Apr, 2010
Ha ha, woodlice are crunchy if you eat them, hilarious...
22 Apr, 2010
thats what she said as she spat out a few carapace sections. she was 2 at the time.
22 Apr, 2010
plants arnt always bottom of the food chain just to make these answers even more complicated lol . what about preditory plants lol seaburn ?
22 Apr, 2010
they are not true preditors though they need to supplement Nitrogen as they are in nitrogen poor soils. They still are producers as they photosynthesise and producers are the start of a food chain.
22 Apr, 2010
Slugs taste nasty
Falling down on gravel makes for sore knees
Eating soil is likely to upset parents
Eating toxic plants is likely to upset parents even more
Falling into the pond makes you wet and, if you can't swim, can prove a problem
Falling into the rain butt is even less of a good idea - even though the cats can walk around the edge of it without falling in!
A quick way to upset most parents is to eat a bug - any bug, or a worm...
Smearing dirt all over your face whilst playing at cowboys and indians is likely to upset your mother
Ditto taking all your clothes off and walking into the pond
Even more so if you walk into the pond fully clothed
Walking barefoot on mud is great - the mud oozes up between your toes
Mud fights are far better than snowball fights - the mud sticks
Removing the flower heads from every plant just about to bloom is sure to have mummy and daddy on the warpath
Ditto 'accidentally' dropping your bike on a precious plant
Come to think of it - just about anything you will view as fun in the garden as a child is likely to have your parents tearing their hair out and baying at the moon!
22 Apr, 2010
i know moon grower look at my head lol
as for seaburn what about triffids they eat people lol
22 Apr, 2010
lol NP
23 Apr, 2010
it sounds like you had an interesting child hood. me too. love mud squelching through my toes.
Love John wyndam NP esp midwich cuckoo's. youngest daughters eyes were bright blue with red rings round the iris for 2 weeks after she was born. scary esp as i had read it whilst pregnant:o)
also learnt if brother puts a metal rasp in the blades of lawn mower [dont know why but that was the type of boy he was] and pushes it, the metal flake that embeds in your eye hurts like mad. Sunderland eye infirmary on a busy sunday not good !
23 Apr, 2010
you say we had an interesting childhood seaburn lol
23 Apr, 2010
Saphronia I am not sure what you were expecting in the way of answers but we've had fun!
23 Apr, 2010
yes I have too MG. Its nice to let your memories flood back. Mind you caterpillar in sandwiches also come to mind too. [that brother again!]
23 Apr, 2010
Dropping beetles down the back of your sibling got into serious trouble on that one :)
23 Apr, 2010
Eating raw rhubarb was my favourite - seem to remember having serious consequences from that, and not just annoyed parents! And there's always remembering not to step on clover in the lawn with bare feet in case you get stung by a visiting bee...
23 Apr, 2010
we lost the carving knife. we took it into the garden to cut the clay into tiles. they were left to dry and the coalhouse roof. when dry we used them for catapult targets. Then we just chucked the bits back onto the garden.
23 Apr, 2010
I hope you're talking about when you were a child, Sbg - the mind boggles otherwise, lol. and from what I've read on here, any mischief I got into pales into insignificance, what a well behaved child I must have been.
23 Apr, 2010
oh yes a child. but with 3 older brothers it was join in or be lonely. I could do a great commando crawl too.
23 Apr, 2010
Ah, well I was the eldest of two girls, no brothers, parents who were childlike themselves - I suspect there was no room for me to be a child as well!
23 Apr, 2010
I was the eldest of two girls but managed to have a lot of fun... we had a wood directly opposite the house and as children ran wild in it! out of the house straight after breakfast into the wood and off. There were enough children (boys and girls) that we got up to all sorts of things! None of the 'bad' just high spirits we'd dare each other to walk across a culvert and the like. Climbing trees was a regular pastime.
24 Apr, 2010
i was strate to his annoyance up to my elbows in my dads pond far quicker than i was walking.
24 Apr, 2010
some things never change
24 Apr, 2010
That eplains your love of the pond then NP.
24 Apr, 2010
yes it does ive also got a 200 gallon tropical fish tank lol . im a pisces to if that makes any differance lol.
24 Apr, 2010
Previous question
22 Apr, 2010