Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
My two hot lip plants look dead it is nearly May - are they dead or will they come back
22 Apr, 2010
I have only one live branch of what was quite a large and vigourous little shrub, so I think I will get rid and buy some new ones...very sad - it was one of my favourites. I think there was just too much snow this year.
22 Apr, 2010
It looks like my Salvia Newby Hall is dead too. but I am resisting throwing it out in case it rises like lazarus :p)
22 Apr, 2010
You are a born optimist, Sbg! :-))))))))
22 Apr, 2010
i know but I have had this plant for 10 years and it was a pressie from hubby. non of the cuttings I took overwintered in the greenhouse got it got too cold :o(
22 Apr, 2010
That's a shame. Now then - look on it as an 'opportunity'! Well - that's what people keep saying to me, anyway!
22 Apr, 2010
My mum is an optimist like Sbg - so today it was replanted in a new spot to see if the one surviving shoot would grow and give new life to the plant. Fingers crossed!
23 Apr, 2010
I've left mine where they are - a bit straggly, I'm afraid. :-(( Good luck with yours!
25 Apr, 2010
Sorry - but it's likely that they are dead. My shrubby Salvias suffered in the frost, and I'm in a mild area. Try snapping a twig or two, to check the brittleness of them,- but if there's no sign of any buds then you'll need to consider replacing them.
22 Apr, 2010