United Kingdom
what colour flame of the forest
22 Apr, 2010
Just 'googled' Flame of the Forest - it seems I 've answered about the wrong plant, Sorry.
22 Apr, 2010
Previous question
United Kingdom
what colour flame of the forest
Just 'googled' Flame of the Forest - it seems I 've answered about the wrong plant, Sorry.
22 Apr, 2010
Previous question
I assume you are referring to Pieris japonica 'Forest Flame'? If so it is an evergreen shrub with mid green leaves, new growth in spring is a bright red it also produces small white flowers. Needs to be in acid soil, so may need to be planted in a pot with ericaceous compost if you garden's soil is above about pH 6.0 - 6.5. The link below is to my one that I took recently
(with Saxifraga ' Winston Churchill' in the foreground)
22 Apr, 2010