United Kingdom
I would love to grow bamboo in my garden but am worried about the 'spreading root' problem. I don't mind if the problem is simply one of just 'keeping it in check' by digging up the unwanted growth but I am a bit anxious as I have a battle on with my neighbours Japanese knotweed, trying to stop it from crossing the border. Would bamboo cause the same problem and can I grow it right next to the house to act as a screen?
22 Apr, 2010
Thanks Moon grower
Have considered this and taken advise but seems it is perfectly ok and legal to have it in your garden only illegal if you spread it out into the wild! The local environment people have even said ok to put a small amount into the bin for landfill!!!! Unbelivable. I have been able to keep it out with the tree stump killer from Roundup by painting the top and lower leaf surfaces and by not taking any holiday during the growing season.
22 Apr, 2010
you can get membrane specialy to keep the shoots in check as they come out of the roots from about 10" down all the way to actualy over the top of the ground .the membraine is about 50cm wide and as long as you want to buy it.the other thing which ive done with another of my spreading bamboo is to get a realy strong bucket thats quite deep.cut the whole bottem out apart from a small lip so it keeps its strength,bury it and leave an inch sticking above the soil the same as the membraine .the beauty of the bucket is it slopes outwards slightly so any shoots hitting it naturaly push up rather than down.as the bucket is buried the bamboo has trouble splitting it as its pushing against the bucket and tons of soil.when i put the membraine in excuse my spelling i buried it slightly sloping out towards the top to .this was my idea and touch wood its working so far.the other option is to buy clump forming bamboo that doesnt send i think there called rizomes but ill call them shoots out lol .it just slowly turns into a bigger clump.as for near the house .some bamboos get very big to tree proportions and all grasses love a lot of water and bamboo is know exception so unless someone more in the know on here sais so i wouldnt have it to close to your house.a screen is a great idea as you cankeep splitting or sending the new shoots along what you want screening.all youve got to do is buy as much membraine as twice the length you want your screen and bury it the width you want your screen .be nice if you mixed a few colours . say a black,yellow and green veriaty.i hope this has helped . i love bamboo.it is some things to all men and all things to some men and is the most durable plant on the planet.it is used for over 2000 seperate things.anyway ill stop running on take care bye for now.
22 Apr, 2010
get your hands on planters from poundstretchers the biggest diameter ones the better and cut the bases of and dig your hole in garden to this depth and width put some bone meal at bottom the roots will then go downwards and should illeviate this wandering root problem
cheers davey
22 Apr, 2010
great minds think alike davey lol
22 Apr, 2010
Thanks Davey1955 and Noseypotter
I think you've answered all queries. Planters from Poundstretchers sounds good too. I'll give it a go.
24 Apr, 2010
cool good luck.i just think the buckets or should i say dustbins that are black with a bit of nylon in them are a lot stronger and bamboo is incredibly strong and hard to get rid of in the wrong place .
24 Apr, 2010
I will never have a Phyllostachus type Bamboo as the last one I had, in a raised bed edged with log-roll, pushed through that, knocked the log-roll over then began to push up through the lawn ! Even now, 2 years since it was removed, the occasional 'tip' appears ... grrr !
26 Apr, 2010
it will be wild soon and ilegal know doubt .my bamboo before i grew it in a controled manner started breaking into my pond .anyway i would at least know what plant im bying especialy as far as bamboo is concerned .
26 Apr, 2010
Noseypotter, can you tell me what would be a controllable bamboo to grow? This info. is lacking from the labels in such places as B&Q.
26 Apr, 2010
just buy a clump former.im terrible with latin names as im dyslexic .the best person to ask is a man called bamboo or docbob .sorry i only know orcas orca and seraslum nitari and they are the killer wale and the red belly pirhana none of which is any use on here i fear lol.according to megan and i have know reasen to doubt her its the Phyllostachus type you dont want.most of the staff at the likes of b and q dont know there foot from there elbow which is a real pet hate of mine as well as people not using car indicaters .the thing is people selling a product are biast and dont care if there product knackers your garden as the chances are youl be back there to buy more things to put the problem right. always ask a question to an unbiast person.for instance say sony or ford of the top of my head are never going to tell you to buy a hitachi stereo or a vauxhall car .thats why i like this site.i hope i helped to some degree lol xx .
26 Apr, 2010
26 Apr, 2010
your welcome i mite not be much help but you got to give me 10 out of 10 for trying lol.
26 Apr, 2010
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Can't answer you on the bamboo but you can, and should, point out to your neighbour that Japanese knotweed is a notifiable weed and should be destroyed.
22 Apr, 2010