By Sadie
west midlands,
United Kingdom
I don't know if my son is pulling my leg but he says he has slugs that 'glow green' in the dark. I asked him if he was coming in from the pub or going out! Is this possible?
29 Jun, 2008
Hi Sadie ,
Interesting question about the slugs; some years ago I was walking my dog ,late one summers evening ,along a sandy path next to the river Great Ouse here in Norfolk.
We came to a patch of ground where there were many green glowing slugs but we have never seen them since.
Oddly enough we hadn't been to the pub either !
Can't help more than that except to say that I remember when as a child and a young man that on the River Deben, where we used to sail all the time as a family, at certain times of the year Plankton in the water would glow like the slugs as the wavelets broke on the sure. I was told then that this was called phosphoresecence and assume that it is do do with chemicals in water?
If somebody has a scientific answer- do let us know .
29 Jun, 2008
The only explanation I can find, after 30 mins that this must be glow worms.
Even entomology forums say it's a glow worm.
No, I'm not convinced either.
30 Jun, 2008
lol i dont know the answer Sadie, but that made me laugh, thanks for that lol
29 Jun, 2008