By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Which Allium is this?
It doesnt seem to have increased in number this year. the flowers have a papery texture to them. height is about 8". I did know its name but the bit of paper has gone missing. I think it begins with a p.

22 Apr, 2010
now that rings a bell. Do you grow it Gaia01 ?
I find it very delicate.
22 Apr, 2010
It is indeed A paradoxum var. normale. I grow it but not as successfully as I would like.
Watch out for the non normale form. It does not flower but produces millions of tiny bulbs instead. It makes Ground elder look non-invasive.
22 Apr, 2010
so as this is flowering its ok then?
22 Apr, 2010
Yes, it does not even set seed for me.
22 Apr, 2010
goody, not that it doesnt set seed, just that it isnt a thug. I am digging out tons of A moly! worse than the restrained wild garlic.
22 Apr, 2010
I haven't got that one but have been looking at Alliums hence knew the name...I think I might get some though as i've been quite successful with some of the others and I like the delicateness of it too.
22 Apr, 2010
We have the same trouble with A. oreophilum( called various other names too). Now that is a real thug. A. moly just died out for us. A.flavum is as bad, but at least with this I have some hybrids in all sorts of colours other than the original yellow. Mind A. karataviense and A.k. White Queen are coming up in various places too. Perhaps I should spend a few hours dead heading them. If only A shelkonovikii would seed like that.
23 Apr, 2010
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Is it Allium Paradoxum normale?
22 Apr, 2010