I planted a couple of Rosemary Shrubs and a fuschia last year
By Sparkygirf
United Kingdom
I planted a couple of rosemary shrubs and a fuschia last year. They did well and I pruned them back in the early Spring/late Winter.
However they now remain dead looking, while everything else in the garden is bursting back to life.
Are they a lost cause? Did the extra cold, extra long Winter bring about their demise? Are they (I am afraid I may be clutching at straws here) simply slow in showing new growth?
They do feel well anchored, if that counts for much!
Any advice or assistance will be greatly appreciated - even if it leads to a composting funeral.
23 Apr, 2010
I agree to with Moon Grower Sparkygirf and welcome to Goy to.
But it has been a real long cold cold winter .
I have lost a few plants this year too.
23 Apr, 2010
Previous question
Hi Sparkygirf and welcome to Goy, when exactly did you prune? I suspect that this year pruning could have been a bit too early. Also rosemary does not take kindly to hard pruning. Use a fingernail to gently scape away a small section of bark, if it is green underneath the shrubs are still alive otherwise it is off to the shredder with them.
23 Apr, 2010