By Monstersmum
United Kingdom
I have a small front garden (150" by 65") with a bay window in it, it's north facing and gets little, if any, sunshine. I need something pretty but very prickly to stop people a) sitting on my wall and b) nicking the gravel to throw at people's houses! I still need to get in to clean the windows, so nothing too huge. I also have a damp problem in the house from a dodgy downpipe drainage set-up I inherited from the previous owners, so if it's something that can drink a lot of water that would probably help too! I'd be grateful for any suggestions, many thanks.
23 Apr, 2010
There are also evergreen Berberis, with wicked thorns!!! They're not to everyone's taste, as the flowers are often orange, but one to be considered.
24 Apr, 2010
your holly mad sid lol
24 Apr, 2010
lol I know x-)
24 Apr, 2010
lol xx a prickly subject i believe lol
24 Apr, 2010
BOOM BOOM! <groan...> ;-)
24 Apr, 2010
lol xx
24 Apr, 2010
Previous question
People are going to start thinking I'm holly mad as I keep suggesting it on here, but there are some really beautiful varieties out there, it can be trimmed back as tight as you like into a hedge or topiery or whatever, it comes in variegated which is really pretty and you may get berries as a bonus, but prob not if you're trimming it regularly.
23 Apr, 2010