By Troy
United Kingdom
Can anyone help with my Camelia's that bud, turn brown and drop off,(see photo). I would think something is deficiant in the soil. Any help please.

24 Apr, 2010
It looks like it has a touch of chlorosis and dryness. The leaves go paler and even yellow. A lot of water and an ericaceous feed might do the trick. Your soil may be rather alkaline. Ensure of water during July/August into Sept. If you buy a feed for Camellia read the packet very carefully,as it usually gives lots of info. If you can find the right place for them they are very rewarding but sometimes slow starters.
24 Apr, 2010
If it is planted facing the east then if their is a frost the sun will be on the buds whilst they are still frosted and this causes them to go brown and drop. As Dorjac has said the soil looks to be very dry and poor. If you do have alkaline soil you need to plant in a large hole filled with neutral or acidic compost.
24 Apr, 2010
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I planted a camelia for the first time ever last autumn and it has done exactly the same. I thought it was because it was so new. I did get three good flowers on it. As it is a new plant I have decided to wait until it blooms again next year and see what happens. I have new leaves growing on it. I shall be interested to see what other replies you get. Have a good week-end.
24 Apr, 2010