By Jozzle
United Kingdom
I have a camelia tree which is 10ft plus high. It produces beautiful flowers but is very spread out and blocks out the neighbours windows. It has a trunk of about 2 foot before it's branches start and then it spreads up and out. What's the best way to prune to keep it alive but reign it in a bit!
24 Apr, 2010
maybe just chop of some of the lower ones or alternit ones.its hard to know without a picture realy.maybe just ask the nieghber what they think .
24 Apr, 2010
A well established Camellia, and yours is one at 10ft tall, won't mind being reshaped. As long as it has sufficient water at budding time in july/august and a feed to compenste for the disturbance.
24 Apr, 2010
Previous question
Just cut off the bits that are causing a problem. Soon I will reign in my largest one to stop it poking over next door and geting too high. If I give him the lopper he will chop bits off to my instructions......job done.
24 Apr, 2010