United Kingdom
Hello, last year my passionflower was really lovely, spreading out over two fences and over the top of the shed but it hasn`t sprung back into life - should I cut it back or wait. It doesn`t seem to have any green shots on it at the moment. Regards Janet
26 Apr, 2010
Mine looked the same Janet so I cut mine back to a third around March, I now have some green shoots coming through.
The below is from the RHS website, good luck.
Pruning and training
Although Passiflora is a self-clinging tendril climber, it benefits from fan-training, which produces a more attractive plant than if left alone to scramble. For a step-by-step guide to fan training against a wall or fence, see our page on training and pruning climbers on first planting.
Carry out pruning just after flowering by shortening flowered tips and sideshoots to a couple of buds from the main fan framework.
If your passion flower is overgrown or frost-damaged plants, carry out renovation pruning in spring by cutting back the stems to 30-60cm (1-2ft) from soil level. Cut to a bud or side shoot wherever possible. The plant will respond by sending out lots of new green shoots. These will need thinning out and formative training. Flowering will be reduced for a year or two.
26 Apr, 2010
If the stems appear brown and dead, cut back to where there's anything green, if you want to, or down to the base, otherwise just wait another week or so.
26 Apr, 2010