United Kingdom
do i need to lift my carpet roses every year
27 Apr, 2010
Ah for carpet roses read 'ground cover roses' No they don't need lifting guest in fact you don't lift any roses.
27 Apr, 2010
Why would you need to? Do you think this guest is asking if they're hardy?
Guest - they should be hardy....
27 Apr, 2010
Not got a clue Spritz... So far as I am aware all roses are hardy - mind you we don't grow them so I could be wrong :-)
27 Apr, 2010
I don't grow carpet roses either, but we can't be surprised at the different knowledge that new gardeners have, I suppose.
27 Apr, 2010
Some hybrid tea and antique tea roses might need special frost protection in the colder parts of the UK, but probably not actual lifting. 'Flower Carpet' roses, however, like most modern shrub roses, are bred for high frost tolerance. They are often used for freeway landscaping in the northern United States--no special care there!
28 Apr, 2010
You leave them as they are.
Give them a good prune by all means .But you never dig roses up , unless they are very diseased with a fungus .
28 Apr, 2010
I think they are the ones you can cut back with shears. I have a 'carpet rose' Essex and leave it where it is and trim it with a rechargeable trimmer. It blooms like crazy for ages. They don't always grow the same way, if you put differently named ones in the same bed. My cousin found that out some time ago.
28 Apr, 2010
Well I can't wait to see what everyone answers to this one - I for one am completely flummoxed. Lift? "carpet roses"? What are carpet roses? Do you have a name for the plants?
27 Apr, 2010