By Brian12
anybody know what air temperatures seedlings need in a greenhouse in winter ?
im planning to invest in heating cables and heating my seedlings .im sick of going up into the attic during the winter so im going to heat the greenhouse in the winter.i think that if i start my seedlings in febuary that about middle of march or april i can turn off the heat so it wont be that long.what is the temp i should heat up the greenhouse to ?
27 Apr, 2010
I agree it really does depend on what you are growing. as the day temp rises I turn the propagators off [lids too] during the day and replace it at night especially if frost is forcast.
27 Apr, 2010
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Really depends on what your growing. I've got a heated propagator that maintains a temp of 18-20*C for germinating the seed, then I move them out to my unheated greenhouse. Time of year for sowing is important not only for reasons of warmth but also for reasons of daylight hours. You need to read the instructions on your individual seed packets to find out what month to sow and at what temperature.
27 Apr, 2010