By Pywacket
United Kingdom
I planted a small Gardenia from a pot in a sheltered part of the garden about 12 years ago not expecting it to survive in our north east situated garden. It is still going!! It is now about 18 inches tall and has a spread of about 3 feet. It has very healthy leaves but it never flowers. Is there any tips anyone can offer or am I hoping in vain??
11 Feb, 2014
Erm, are you 100% certain it's a Gardenia? The only one that arrived about 8 years ago as a new hardy variety was G. 'Kleim's Hardy', but prior to that, there weren't any outdoor Gardenias suitable for the UK. If its not Gardenia, Azalea, maybe?
12 Feb, 2014
Previous question
I found that not only do they need protection from the wind, but also full sun and an acidic type fertilizer.
11 Feb, 2014