problems with roses
By Rosegem
United Kingdom
many of my roses have got black spot or even a brown spot..but also the leaves are being eaten to leave just the
1 Jul, 2008
1 Jul, 2008
Look under and sides of leaves, there may be green caterpillars, they can be very tiny too. That is what I found under mine, and they can strip a whole leaf in no time at all.
1 Jul, 2008
It is too late to prevent blackspot completely, but it would do no harm to spray them with 'Roseclear' from now on - regularly - until the end of the season. It's also a good time to feed them to give the a boost. As to what's eating the leaves, you need to have a 'snoop' around to find out, it could be a number of creatures to be dealt with, some of which the spraying will deal with. Keep dead-heading and cut the stems a little further back than normal as you do this, in the hope that they may produce strong shoots and more flowers later. I hope that all this helps.
1 Jul, 2008