By Kerry156
United Kingdom
What summer shrubs and plants for my small back garden could I plant that are dog friendly please?
13 Feb, 2014
Spirea goldflame
Potentilla fruiticosa
some of the smaller phormiums
smaller Euonymous
smaller berberis (got thorns)
Philadlephus microphyllus
Many of the herbaceous perennials such as hardy geraniums mentioned in post above, Heleniums, Phlox paniculata, Agastache, Agapanthus, Lysemachia, hardy salvias (such as S. cerro potosi), hardy fuschsias, ceratistigma, perovskia, knifophia (try the popsicle series), echinacea, rudbeckia goldsturm and im sure there's lots more
13 Feb, 2014
Perhaps you need a dog that is plant friendly Snoop?
13 Feb, 2014
Hardy geraniums come to mind, twice now a mallard nested in mine and still they survive, and there are quite a few varieties in different sizes
13 Feb, 2014