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By Raysown

Devon, United Kingdom

what planting medium and feeding regime do you need to use to grow pot based olive tree.



John Innes No. 2 compost, feed once in spring with general purpose liquid fertiliser, and again in midsummer, keep watered.

27 Apr, 2010


Lean the natural growing conditions are poor rocky soil. Bamboo do you really need to feed?

27 Apr, 2010


In a pot, yes, but only twice a year - I only ever do it in the spring myself.

27 Apr, 2010


I have a little olive tree that is in a 12 inch chinese pot with whicker ouside it. It has just started flowering again,a few tiny olives last season. In a grove it would drop some leaves and olives too and recycle nutrients that way. I would say that, as Bamboo says , we have to do this for the tree. The soil in the pot is like concrete and I don't want to disturb it as ,so far, the tree is Ok. I do not want it to get too large either, so will be sparing with the feed.

28 Apr, 2010

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